Unfortunately, I have a lot of things that interest me and prevent me from focusing on my core research areas. Here, I list three key areas.

Model Driven Software Engineering

This is the bread and butter of my research. Since 1984, I have been working on some form of model driven aspects of software engineering. My PhD developed a language for interaction design, that formed the basis of generating user interfaces using the idea of window panes (this predates Windows!). My work at Texas Instruments researched the use of models to represent software application design and implementation. The IEF was was the first generally commercially available software product that generated 100% code (C, and Ada!) . Since 2010, I have been working in collaboration with Prof Tony Clark and colleagues at TCS Research in India on model driven simulation environments for complex decision making.

Conceptual Modelling (for social science)

Over the last 10 years, I have developed an interest in the use of conceptual modelling techniques as form of theory representation for the somewhat discursive theories from social sciences.  I have applied conceptual modelling approaches in areas such as value sensitive design, cyber-crime and surveillance. This work is also very inter-disciplinary, hence many of the publications are with social scientists.

Social Media Analytics

Like anybody and everybody, I dabble in social media analytics especially Twitter. Working with other colleagues both at Middlesex and elsewhere, I have used machine learning techniques to analyse twitter data sets that are contextualised in theories from social science.